Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Four Eyed Monsters: Humanity Lobotomy

Save the Internet | Rock the Vote

This is Four Eyed Monster's Open Source Collaborative Video Project about Net Neutrality (how many buzz words can i fit into one sentence?). I like the video a lot and I think it's important to spread it around. So, spread this around y'all!

vlog: http://www.foureyedmonsters.com/category/videos

feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/FEMvideoblogs

comment: http://www.foureyedmonsters.com/neutrality

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Treehugger TV: Urban Homestead

i love stories like this. growing food in their yard and using solar in LA. so smart!

vlog: http://www.treehuggertv.com

feed: http://treehugger.com/tv/index.xml

comment: http://www.treehuggertv.com/thtv_urban_homestead.php

Valdezatron Industries: The Internet

they had no idea did they?

vlog: http://valdezatron.com

feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/valdezatron

comment: http://valdezatron.com/archives/112

Hopper Video: Hand Carved Tusk

What an amazing video moment this is. Check out the comments on Hopper Video to see that I'm not the only one who thinks so. Rob is good at that.

vlog: http://www.hoppervideo.net

feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/HopperVideo

comment: http://www.hoppervideo.net/2006/08/hand-carved-tusk.html