Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Four Eyed Monsters: Humanity Lobotomy
Save the Internet | Rock the Vote
This is Four Eyed Monster's Open Source Collaborative Video Project about Net Neutrality (how many buzz words can i fit into one sentence?). I like the video a lot and I think it's important to spread it around. So, spread this around y'all!
vlog: http://www.foureyedmonsters.com/category/videos
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/FEMvideoblogs
comment: http://www.foureyedmonsters.com/neutrality
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Treehugger TV: Urban Homestead
i love stories like this. growing food in their yard and using solar in LA. so smart!
vlog: http://www.treehuggertv.com
feed: http://treehugger.com/tv/index.xml
comment: http://www.treehuggertv.com/thtv_urban_homestead.php
vlog: http://www.treehuggertv.com
feed: http://treehugger.com/tv/index.xml
comment: http://www.treehuggertv.com/thtv_urban_homestead.php
Valdezatron Industries: The Internet
they had no idea did they?
vlog: http://valdezatron.com
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/valdezatron
comment: http://valdezatron.com/archives/112
Hopper Video: Hand Carved Tusk
What an amazing video moment this is. Check out the comments on Hopper Video to see that I'm not the only one who thinks so. Rob is good at that.
vlog: http://www.hoppervideo.net
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/HopperVideo
comment: http://www.hoppervideo.net/2006/08/hand-carved-tusk.html
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Road Node 101::Tech Report from Off-the-Grid Geek Camp
interview everyone, you never know what tech they'll be into, even in montana, yo.
vlog: http://fauxpress.blogspot.com
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/diaryofafauxjournalist
comment: http://fauxpress.blogspot.com/2006/08/road-node-101tech-report-from-off-grid.html
Modern Feminist: Asking Like A Lady
great story, i love it when people encourage others to just go out and do something. unfortunately i too asked to get a parking ticket revoked- $75 for parking on an 'unmarked' crosswalk in front of my house aka an INVISIBLE crosswalk. they denied my claim. fuckers. yeah, i'll never park in that spot again.
vlog: http://modernfeminist.blogspot.com
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ModernFeminist
comment: http://modernfeminist.blogspot.com/2006/07/asking-like-lady.html
Hopper Video: Pioneer PL-112D
love rob's moments.
vlog: http://www.hoppervideo.net
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/HopperVideo
comment: http://www.hoppervideo.net/2006/07/pioneer-pl-112d.html
Momentshowing: Stutterframes
i nominated this for 'best editing' at the vloggies. it won. jay is a freak, but i love him.
vlog: http://www.momentshowing.net
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Momentshowing
comment: http://www.momentshowing.net/momentshowing/2006/06/video_stutter_f.html
pouringdown: begin here
i've had this on the re-vlog list since june. SIGH. we miss mr. liss.
vlog: http://pouringdown.tv
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/pouringdown
comment: http://pouringdown.tv/?p=77
Saturday, October 07, 2006
The Faux Press: This Cheese Sandwich
i love stories like this.
vlog: http://fauxpress.blogspot.com
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/diaryofafauxjournalist
comment: http://fauxpress.blogspot.com/2006/07/faux-pressthis-cheese-sandwich.html
Bottom Union: A Proposition
a classic use of split screen and weagel.
vlog: http://bottomunion.com/blog/
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/BottomUnion
comment: http://bottomunion.com/blog/?p=228
Aaron Valdez: Amish Demolition Squad
aaron valdez is truly the king of WTF.
vlog: http://aaronvaldez.com/vlog/
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/AaronValdezVlog
comment: http://aaronvaldez.com/vlog/2006/08/08/amish-demolition-squad/
Friday, October 06, 2006
Freeman: Hello from Node101 Pune, India
Freeman, who lives in Pune India most of the year posted this video during Node101 Weekend back in august. Been meaning to ReVlog it and since Jay and I are about to be at the actually apartment in under a week, I thought i'd do it now!
vlog: http://freeman.blip.tv/
feed: http://freeman.blip.tv/?1=1&&skin=rss
comment: http://freeman.blip.tv/file/59706
Monday, September 25, 2006
Swordfight: I like to rock!
YES! exactly.
vlog: http://www.swordfight.org/
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/swordfight
comment: http://www.swordfight.org/001328.html
Ornamental Concrete: Up High
from the creator of Bullemhead and co-creator of The Pan, comes Ornemental Concrete, yeah.
vlog: http://www.thepan.org/ornamentalconcrete
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/concrete
comment: http://www.thepan.org/ornamentalconcrete/?p=3
Alive in Baghdad: Neighborhood Watch
Jay and Verdi have been working their butts off with Brian from AiB to re-do the site and get some kick ass videos up there. check it out! it looks really good!
vlog: http://aliveinbaghdad.org/
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/AiBquicktime
comment: http://aliveinbaghdad.org/2006/09/19/on-patrol-with-iraqi-neighborhood-watch/
Saturday, September 09, 2006
a mashup featuring my future husband, jay dedman. ok, that sounds weird huh?
vlog: http://www.betterbadnews.com
feed: http://www.betterbadnews.com/rss20_xml
comment: http://www.betterbadnews.com/65
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Uncle Monsterface TeeVee: Chocula (You're Never Safe
these are my pals from boston. some of you might remember the Lobster Building and Pets videos I made with them. This is one by my dear friend Gabriel Duquette, who i've been trying to convice to get a videoblog forever. he's highly talented, yo!
vlog: http://blip.tv/users/view/uncle_monsterface
feed: http://uncle_monsterface.blip.tv/?skin=rss
comment: http://blip.tv/file/23097?file_type=mov
Michael Verdi: BarCampTexas
sweet! this was part of BarCampEarth, where there were BarCamps happening all around the world on the same day. I heard that BarCampTexas opened with our video from RyanIsHungry about BarCampSF. Awesome!
vlog: http://michaelverdi.com
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MichaelVerdi
comment: http://michaelverdi.com/index.php/2006/08/26/barcamptexas/
Friday, August 25, 2006
Josh Leo's Vlog: Southeast Grand Rapids Speaks Out
double awesome that these folks stood up to the local news bullshit about their community and that josh leo documented the moment so it wasn't lost forever and can inspire the rest of us.
vlog: http://www.joshleo.com/vlog/
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/joshleo
comment: http://www.joshleo.com/vlog/2006/07/20/southeast-grand-rapids-speaks-out/
Thursday, August 24, 2006
The Dylan Show- Me & Sara
HA HA! cute!
vlog: http://dylanverdi.com
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/dylanverdi
comment: http://dylanverdi.com/index.php/2006/07/24/me-sara/
The News: Science Experiment
this kid is nutty and cracks me up sometimes.
vlog: http://thenewsonthewebforyou.blogspot.com
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheNewsTheFeed
comment: http://thenewsonthewebforyou.blogspot.com/2006/05/science-experiment.html
Monday, August 21, 2006
Video of the Moment: The Bui Brothers Promo
i like how simple this promo is and that lan is just combing his hair in the pool, WTF!
vlog: http://www.videoofthemoment.com
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/VideoOfTheMoment
comment: http://www.videoofthemoment.com/2006/06/bui-brothers-promo.html
Friday, August 18, 2006
Modern Feminist: Want a creepy foot massage?
Brittany and I found this flyer at our hotel during BlogHer in San Jose a few weeks ago. I encourage you to call David (408) 294-6500 if you want to be immersed in warm/hot bubble-bathobubbly Jacuzzi and get a foot massage for charity.
vlog: http://modernfeminist.blogspot.com
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ModernFeminist
comment: http://modernfeminist.blogspot.com/2006/08/want-creepy-foot-massage.html
Saturday, August 12, 2006
OffTheGridCamp: TheCutters
an amazing story about robert scoble's mom, video-ed by eddie codel of Geek Entertainment TV. It only exists on blip.tv so here is where you can comment:
Friday, July 14, 2006
Design e2: Green Machine
holy crap! PBS kicks ass for putting these shows online. i mean it's free to watch (sorta) on TV, so why not put them on the web for those of us who don't have TVs (and don't want TVs!). yeah for quality programming about green design on the web.
site: http://www.design-e2.com/
feed: http://www.design-e2.com/podcasts/RSS/e2rss.xml
Treehugger TV: Lovecraft Biofuels
hurray for treehugger TV. they report on lots of green issues. some of my favorites are biofuels, green fashion and sustainable food. i feel good just watching. yeah! rock on treehugger
TV! now go subscribe and watch the greenie goodness!
vlog: http://www.treehuggertv.com
feed: http://treehugger.com/tv/index.xml
comment: http://www.treehuggertv.com/lovecraft_biofuels.php
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Human Dog: Video Bloggers
chris weagel's vloggercon wrap up. all the footage i wish i had been able to capture.
vlog: http://www.human-dog.com/lab
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/human-dog/wDjj
comment: http://www.human-dog.com/lab/?p=386
Valdezatron Industries: Dr. A’s Moving Style
aaron valdez is king of bizarre found video.
vlog: http://valdezatron.com
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/valdezatron
comment: http://valdezatron.com/?p=236
My Life with bad English: Nothing To Say pt. 2
sometimes, when i'm really busy, the revlog suffers, yeah, you noticed?
vlog: http://mylifewithbadenglish.blogspot.com
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MyLifeWithBadEnglish
comment: HERE
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
koan.tv: good design, bad design
koan makes a very informative PSA about the wonders of sexual re-assignment surgery.
vlog: http://www.multidimensional.me.uk/categories/koanTv/
feed: http://www.multidimensional.me.uk/categories/koanTv/rss.xml
comment: http://www.multidimensional.me.uk/categories/koanTv/2006/04/04.html#a389
Roboshithead: "The Evening Remnants"
the revlog IS NOT DEAD y'all! it was just on hold! i've been busy and i dont have a "blog this" button in FireAnt which makes this all the more time consuming. ANYWAY, enough excuses. this is a new and long awaited videoblog by the amazing Roboshithead. enjoy and subscribe!
vlog: http://roboshithead.blogspot.com/
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Roboshithead
comment: http://roboshithead.blogspot.com/2006/05/evening-remnants.html
Thursday, March 30, 2006
little while: fabric market
vibrance that you rarely see in this country.
vlog: http://www.littlewhile.com
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/littlewhile/ooTw
comment: http://www.littlewhile.com/2006/02/fabric_market.html
Bottom Union: Hoopla Menagerie
i watched this twice. about 2 weeks apart. enjoyed it both times. BU is good like that.
vlog: http://bottomunion.com/blog
feed: feed://feeds.feedburner.com/BottomUnion
comment: http://bottomunion.com/blog/?p=179
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Secret Vlog Injection: MOOKI FUNNIES
lori and chuck have the same breed cat as jay and i. they are super cute and do weird shit.
vlog: http://blogumentary.typepad.com/vlog
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/SecretVlogInjection
comment: http://blogumentary.typepad.com/vlog/2006/02/mooki_funnies.html
Verdi: Untitled
verdi re-posted this the other day and it's one of my favorites.
vlog: http://michaelverdi.com
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MichaelVerdi
comment: http://michaelverdi.com/index.php/2005/03/30/videoblogging-week-day-4-untitled/
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Scratch Video: Stay Sad
watch this twice. let it sink in.
vlog: http://www.scratchvideo.tv
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/scratchvideo/aPBi
comment: http://www.scratchvideo.tv/scratch/2006/02/stay_sad.html
Vlog of a Faux Journalist: Too Long Away
love the sound of jan's voice, i could listen to her for hours.
vlog: http://fauxpress.blogspot.com
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/diaryofafauxjournalist
comment: http://fauxpress.blogspot.com/2006/02/too-long-away-watch-video.html
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Shooting full force: You gotta start somewhere
i love this video because i can totally relate 100%.
vlog: http://bshoot.blogspot.com
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ShootingFullForce
comment: http://bshoot.blogspot.com/2006/02/you-gotta-start-somewhere-click-here.html
Rhinestone Media Empire: it's mine to give
this is annaleise. she's my pal from college and beyond. dig her vlog y'all!
vlog: http://rhinestonemedia.blogspot.com
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/blogspot/WeKi
comment: http://rhinestonemedia.blogspot.com/2005/10/its-mine-to-give.html
Evilvlog: seward’s folly
i like that this guy is wearing a parka and speaking in front of what is the equivelant of a 1936 green screen.
vlog: http://www.evilvlog.com
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/EvilutionaryVirtualLog
comment: http://www.evilvlog.com/?p=2512
little while: fire dance
hurray for timelapse of cool stuff.
vlog: http://www.littlewhile.com
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/littlewhile/ooTw
comment: http://www.littlewhile.com/2006/02/fire_dance.html
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Completely Known: I'm Sorry Too
i think we can all relate.
vlog: http://completelyknown.blogspot.com
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/CompletelyKnown
comment: HERE
kick to the head: sixth mantra
daniel liss, bless his heart.
vlog: http://kicktothehead.blogspot.com
feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/KickToTheHead
comment: http://kicktothehead.blogspot.com/2006/02/mantra-6.html
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