Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Evilvlog: Stuff

hurray for weird moments captured on tape and posted to the internet.

vlog: http://www.evilvlog.com

feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/EvilutionaryVirtualLog

comment: http://www.evilvlog.com/?p=2081

Prangstrgüp: Reach

another viral video. this one made it's way onto dvblog. so funny. instant classic.

vlog: http://dvblog.org

feed: http://dvblog.org/feed/

comment: http://dvblog.org/reach-prangstrgp

Pouringdown: backstory #1

i love daniel's stuff. i might as well just make a new vlog and vlog all his stuff. but that wouldn't make any sense...just subscribe to his feed if you haven't.

vlog: http://pouringdown.blogspot.com

feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/pouringdown

comment: http://pouringdown.blogspot.com/2006/01/backstory-1_18.html

Hopper Video: Garbage Eater

damn freegans.

vlog: http://www.hoppervideo.net

feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/HopperVideo

comment: http://www.hoppervideo.net/2006/01/garbage-eater.html

Friday, February 24, 2006

Wayne White on Tour

i met wayne white because we were both getting awful comments by this asshole commenter on the archive. i found out he was a filmmaker and musician from chicago. of course, i convinced him to create a videoblog. i'm really loving his tour videos. so fresh, so honest.

vlog: http://waynewhite.blogspot.com

feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/vlogcity

comment: http://waynewhite.blogspot.com/2005/11/johnny-whats-real-las-vegas-nv-usa.html


this kid is funny. this was one of his funniest posts. LOL ; P

vlog: http://thenewsonthewebforyou.blogspot.com

feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheNewsTheFeed

comment: http://thenewsonthewebforyou.blogspot.com/2006/01/sealegs-mcgoo-reading-mail.html

Punchout: The Real Life Version

another one of those videos floating around the internet.
totally weird. totally cool.
looks like they're a touring band from japan?
check them out: Famicom Band!!

Friday, February 03, 2006

little while: happy new year

one time in college this kid, who turned out to be kind of nuts, tried to make a video just like this. he failed miserably. i think it's because he moved the camera around too much and wouldn't just sit and let you take in the nature. it's like he was forcing you to look at the trees. plus it was on VHS. i believe that this is the video he had intended.

vlog: http://www.littlewhile.com

feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/littlewhile/ooTw

comment: http://www.littlewhile.com/2006/01/happy_new_year.html

Human Dog: Old Experiment - PICTURE SHOW

i know this must have taken a wee bit o time for chris to make. very good, A+.

vlog: http://www.human-dog.com/lab

feed: http://www.human-dog.com/lab/wp-rss2.php

comment: http://www.human-dog.com/lab/?p=235

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Evilvlog: Walking the Trail and found sphere.

i really like this video by juan carlos. simple, just him clearing his head using a crappy old digital camera, which are my favorite pieces of equipment. originally posted to evilvlog.com

vlog: http://www.evilvlog.com

feed: you don't want to subscribe to this feed

comment: http://www.evilvlog.com/?p=1504

Evan's REALLY awesome site: A strango call...

this is one of my school of the future videobloggers. he has no idea that this video takes inspiration from a time passed, where experiemental filmmakers had to slave over the optical printer (or tape to tape video editors for that matter) to get an effect like this. An example is Martin Arnold's famous Passage à l’acte, a short film that deconstructions and re-mixes scenes from To Kill a Mockingbird in a similar fashion.(If anyone knows of this existing online in .mov form, please tell me) iMovie just happens to make it a lot easier.

vlog: http://evanawesomesite.blogspot.com

feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/EvansReallyAwesomeSite

comment: http://evanawesomesite.blogspot.com/2006/01/strango-call.html

29fragiledays: i'm yours, you're mine

duncan, stop putting up such good videos, you're making us all look bad.

vlog: http://29fragiledays.blogspot.com

feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/29daystoshowtheworld

comment: http://29fragiledays.blogspot.com/2006/01/im-yours-youre-mine.html